Sascha’s Photos
This photo features simplicity. It shows a blue sky, clouds and a rapeseed field in spring time in Germany. I posted it on Instagram exactly one year ago and more than 1000 people liked the photo.
Memorial day ceremony
I spent Memorial Day 2012 with friends in Margraten, Netherlands, last year. Honor those who sacrificed their lives for freedom!
A vanishing point shot of Schönbrunn castle in Vienna, Austria. First posted on Instagram one year ago.
Lincoln Memorial at sunset
Another photo that got me over 1000 likes on Instagram. It shows the Lincoln Memorial at Sunset in Washington, DC and I posted it on Instagram one year ago.
Stairs in the Vatican
This is my oldest photo on Instagram. I posted it exactly one year ago and it shows stairs (architecture) in the Vatican (Rome Italy Italia).
Winter waterfall
Before I post another photo of the abandoned house Nimrod, I have a little story to share. I took this photo of a little waterfall in Bad Königswart (Lázně Kynžvart) in the Czech Republic and used my Canon 7D on a Tripod for the long exposure shot. So while I was...